
우리정부는 국제포경위원회(IWC)의 상업포경 유예 결정에 따라 지난 27년간 상업적·과학적인 모든 고래의 포획을 금지

* IWC는 멸종위기에 있는 밍크고래 등 대형고래 12종 상업포경 금지(1986)

최근 고래자원의 급격한 증가로 어업피해(어획량, 어구손실 등)가 늘어 지자체 및 어민들이 대책을 건의하고 불법포획도 증가 추세

* 고래 추정량 약 8만마리 : 밍크고래(16천), 상괭이(35천), 돌고래류(30천)

* 고래가 먹는 추정량 : 146천톤(연간), ‘11년 연근해어업 생산량 123만톤의 12%

그간 고래자원의 조사는 목측에만 의존하고 있어 고래보호와 어업피해 최소화, 불법포획 방지를 위해 과학적인 조사 필요

→ 이에 정부는 그간 수차례에 걸쳐 고래자원의 과학조사 필요성을 제기*해 왔고 이번 파나마 회의에서 과학조사 논의 필요성 표명

* 우리정부는 그간 IWC에 참석하여 ‘05년 연안포경 허용 건의, ’09년 연안포경 요성 표명, ‘10년 잠재적 포경국 선언 등 제기




(1) 정부는 과학조사 포경 계획서 제출 여부 및 내용에 대해서 국내의 어업인단체, 환경단체 등의 의견을 수렴하고, 관심 IWC회원국들과의 논의를 거쳐 조속한 시일 내에 확정하겠음

(2) 정부는 향후, 과학조사 포경계획서를 IWC 과학위원회에 제출하기로 결정하더라도 과학조사 실시 여부는 국제적 규정과 절차에 따라 IWC 과학위원회의 권고를 존중하겠음

(3) 이러한 정부 입장을 과학조사 포경계획에 우려와 관심을 표명한 IWC 회원국에 충분히 설명하고 협력해 나가겠음





Seoul to ban sales of meat from scientific whaling

Korea will not circulate or consume meat from whales caught for scientific research, the government said Wednesday, raising the credibility of its claim that its planned resumption of whaling will be limited to scientific purposes.

"We have from the very beginning said the meat from scientific whaling will not find its way to the market," an official from the Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries told the Yonhap News Agency, asking not to be identified.

The sales-ban on meat from scientific whaling will significantly distance the country from Japan, which has long been criticized for abusing the so-called "science loophole" in the International Whaling Commission (IWC) charter. Tokyo allows commercial sales of meat from whales caught for scientific purposes.

South Korea notified the IWC last week of its plans to resume whaling for scientific research, prompting an international outcry and accusation that it seeks to follow in Japan's footsteps.

The ministry official said the country will also limit whaling to immediate waters surrounding the Korean Peninsula, unlike Japan whose scientific whaling vessels regularly operate in international waters.

The official said such restrictions have not been voiced publicly as they will be finalized after consultation with the IWC's Scientific Committee.

"Even if the government decides to submit a report of its whaling plans to the IWC in the future, whether the country actually resumes whaling for scientific research will depend on international regulations and procedures and will fully respect the recommendations of the IWC's Scientific Committee," the ministry said in a press release.

Scientific whaling does not require IWC approval, but the government said such a report to the IWC would be devised through close consultation with the IWC committee, as well as other "concerned" members of the whaling oversight commission.

Ministry officials said the country may choose not to resume whaling should there be other means to study marine mammals in South Korean waters.

Kang Joon-seok, head of the ministry's fishery policy bureau, said the main reason for the country's planned scientific whaling was to identify and study the species of whales in South Korean waters.

"But if there is a way to achieve the goal of such a scientific research without catching whales, (the country) may consider such alternative means," he told reporters.

South Korea has banned catching any type of whales since 1986 even though the IWC charter bans whaling of only 12 specific species of whales.

The government said one of reasons for a need to resume scientific whaling was to limit the number of whales in its home waters, estimated at about 80,000.

The whales in South Korea's adjoining waters are believed to be eating away some 146,000 tons of fish annually, about 12 percent of the country's annual fisheries production, according to the ministry.

Ministry officials said the country's scientific whaling will not be resumed at least until after a IWC Scientific Committee meeting, which is set to be held in South Korea in May 2013.

Whale meat remains popular in coastal towns of South Korea with whales accidentally caught in nets remaining the only source of such meat. (Yonhap)

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