영국 ciwf의 항의서한

조회 수 111061 추천 수 0 2011.01.15 08:49:17

유럽연합에서 케이지 사육금지를 이끌어낸 세계적인 동물단체인 CIWF는 한국정부가 질병에 걸린 동물에게 인도적 도살을  시행하도록 한 국제적인 지침을 어기고 있음을 한국정부에 알리고 있다. 그러나 이 서한은 한국의 살어분규모가 겨우 240마리의 돼지가 생매장한 정도로 이해하고 있어서 한국의 심각한 생매장에 대해서 충분한 정보를 가지고 있지 못한 것 같다.



For the urgent attention of

HE Mr Choo Kyu Ho
Embassy of the Republic of Korea
60 Buckingham Gate




Your Excellency


Re: Reported live burial of pigs in the Republic of Korea


I am extremely concerned by a report of appalling treatment of pigs in the Republic of Korea as part of the culling operations due to foot and mouth disease (FMD).

It is reported that 2,400 pigs have been buried alive. Live burial causes severe suffering to animals and is contrary to any internationally accepted standard of treatment.

The Republic of Korea is a member of the OIE (World Organisation for Animal Health). Live burial of animals is in clear breach of the OIE Guidelines on the Killing of Animals for Disease Control Purposes. If live burial is taking place, I implore your Government to immediately end this inhumane treatment.

Compassion believes that vaccination is the preferred approach to dealing with FMD and are pleased to have also seen reports that the Government will begin vaccination, or ring-vaccination, of cattle. 


However, the announcement that only cattle will be vaccinated implies that other susceptible species in high-risk areas may be culled. It is imperative that killing or slaughter methods of animals are humane and swift to prevent animal suffering.


If emergency killing events are undertaken, I urge you to ensure that such killing is done in strict accordance with the international animal welfare guidelines of the OIE. The central message of these guidelines is copied below:


“When animals are killed for disease control purposes, methods used should result in immediate death or immediate loss of consciousness lasting until death; when loss of consciousness is not immediate, induction of unconsciousness should be non-aversive or the least aversive possible and should not cause avoidable anxiety, pain, distress or suffering in animals.” Chapter 7.6. Killing of animals for disease control purposes. Terrestrial Animal Health Code, 2009.


The Guidelines give clear information on more humane methods for emergency killing for disease control and are freely available at http://www.oie.int/eng/normes/mcode/en_chapitre_1.7.6.htm.


I urge the Government to ensure that live burial, if it has taken or is still taking place, will be stopped with immediate effect and that if killing is deemed to be unavoidable, that only humane killing methods will be used to prevent any animal suffering.  


Yours sincerely

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